Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Shiz and Crap : A Series from Feb 14-17

Feb 14 : Valentine's Day

Definitely not the best of days. I bought some chocolates for her but they went to someone else instead.

I should stop expecting too much from her. After all she isn't mine.

Supposedly to be at her place. But it was just canceled after I freed up my whole day she runs up and tells me that her beloved onii-chan takes priority again. But then, what am I?

Feb 15 : Valentine's Aftermath

Its a Friday, I'm usually ate her place on these days, but maybe I've got better things to do. I need to make up for time wasted on Thursday. After all, what can stop me from having fun?

When I give something, I expect the action to be reciprocated. What do I do when its unrequitted?

Sevalle was right. I'm assuming, making hasty decisions.

"I was so captivated by the magical creatures around me that I lost sight of the one I already had" - Arthur Spiderwick

Pick-up line? Lol.

Feb 16 : Saturday

Had a prettu big fight with her. Her onii-chan pretty much placed a threat on me.

Feb 17: Sunday

"Supposed" reconciliation. Getting this strange feeling that it won't work out anymore.

The day was pretty much a drag. although Chimee brightened it up a bit.

And through it all I'm pining for her, MISS HER WANT HER NEED HER.

A garbled, modified and biased version of the story is circulating, the blighters don't know the whole effing story.

I'm amused by the fact that Michael went to the length of actually threatening me. Just her try, he clearly does know know me. But then. Who does?

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