Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Why do people say that if you've got them long bangs you're an emo.

If you've got them thick plastic glasses they automatically assume that you're a rocker.

You wear tight jeans and black shirts they think you're a rocker or a skater.

Don't they get that it's not all about appearances?

Being an emo, a rocker, or a skater is not just about how you look. Each of them is not just a trend but a lifestyle. A lifestyle that is stereotyped but is one that suits who you are and is the result of self-expression.

Thankfully a new breed of the above lifestlyes is slowly rising. A sub-culture in itself that inadvertedly aims to change the view on what they are stereotyped as and show that they are better.

Often found at second-hand booksales these new brand of rockers are a slowly growing group. Thank God.

Just had our Chem Lab, Chem Lec and English monthly exam today. I was the first to finish in all of them =D

Met Malta yesterday preeeety. Haha

Going to Fria's place tomorrow. Yay. Huuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggg.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lameness of Life

-yawn- Why does it seem to be such a long time since I last went online. Somethin crappy happened yesterday it sorta wwrecked up all my plans, not that I'm bitter 'bout it though, but Friday was good enough... I think.

Got home around 9 pm or something like that. Got scolded when I got home but the time was well worth it. Was supposed to go to Fria's place that day but as it rained quite hard PE was cancelled and I had to wait to it out. So I was just sittin there not relly getting wet but not staying totally dry either. It was then that I met up with Rei, Steph, Nox and LA. Well not really met up as I was already with them but it was only then that I walked around with em. So we hang out at lover's lane just basically making fools of ourselves. That was the good part anyway.

Saturday July 14'07

Me granddad got a stroke. Cool no ? Was supposed to have the new phone openlined and go to Fria's after.
But as usual, as all my plans go, none of em came thru.

Was able to speak to my baby for a moment later, guess as a sort of consolation but I so miss her, just wanna hug and cuddle her.

Well anyway back to reality, had to stay at the hospital that day, first at the sort of government hospital as it was the closest, not that clean or good but it got the job done... I guess. It was the first time I ever saw a person die, cool huh ?, so two people in one day and I saw this dude vomit a lot of blood and this other lady was kinda hallucinating. After a few bloody hours we finally got clearance to bring my lolo to the Lung Center of the Philippines. The scent in the ER was quite disturbing. Imagine getting stuck in a very sterile room where a scent somewhat like decay lingered in the air. Now that was what it was like in there.

That's about it. I got nothin to say for today (sunday).

And just to clear things up with my classmates. Fria is the one I refer to when I say baby or sumthin like that. And we are not yet a couple. Please note the emphasis on YET. If any of you will bring out the topic of Aryan (PE classmate) well I like her 'cause she resembles Fria. So clear up on that one.

Now I come to an end and shut the fuck up. ^^

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Crap

For people who don't like being judged you guys are some of the most judgemental persons I've ever met.

Blah Blah

Hey everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If I go about bashing Hale and Cueshit. I mean Cueshe .Its my opinion.

From Here To There

Just had our test in Chem Lab today, and I'll pass. Hopefully.

Got out early anyway. Played DOTA afterwards with some of the guys. Our side got wasted but still I still got out on top. Numero Uno.

Wanted to go to Fria's place and meet her. God, I miss her. Wasn't too sure bout that though as I still have totally no idea where her place exactly is. Want to hug her or somethin why does she have to be so far away.

Saw a couple of posers on the way home. The fake mohawk hair, "emo glasses", pierced ears and dressed in black. Why poser you ask ? Well what the effin hell were they talking bout. Hale and Cueshe. Damn. Posers if there ever were any.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conflicting or Not ?

Rei : Real men are not naive. Therefore real men wear pink.

Nox: Tough guys wear pink. No, no, no. It goes more like gay guys who act tough wear pink.

I agree with both of em yet disagree with them both. Weird no ?

On lifestlyes (part1)

Why do people keep thinking that rock is about the clothes you wear or music you listen to. It's a lifestyle damnit. Keeping on saying that you a rocker or emo or all that crap doesnt make you one, it makes a goddmaned wannabe or poser. Its about self expression damnit.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ugh. All those supposedly "rock bands"

All those supposedly rock bands are an epidemic in the Philippines. God. People say that Hales is a f***ing rock band. Well maybe rock, but only a certain form of it which I simply applaud them for. Fag Rock. Yay. And thats what a lot of people/losers listen to nowadays.